Should you be tipping more than 20%?How much tip do you leave at a cheap hair salon? ie: Great Clips, Supercuts...?
I think 15% is usually the standard. Over 20% is a bit excessive unless of course you really want to, Im sure your hairdresser wont mind! :)How much tip do you leave at a cheap hair salon? ie: Great Clips, Supercuts...?
great clips and supercuts dont pay well and slave their employees so there is a high turnover. If you like your stylist PAY for her/him because if not they will move on and you will end up with a student haircut next time.
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2-4 dollars
You should only give them a $2-3 tip.
I say 20% unless the stylist does something out of the ordinary like grow a third arm
If you are happy and they hook you up and you feel great when you leave then you tip them the same way you would a expensive salon . they work just as hard but don't rip you off so you should tip them the same way . to your question should you be tipping more then 20% I always tip more 20% because i love the way my stylist hooks me up when your happy show It
No, 20% at the very most. If the sevice is bad and the haircut doesn't look as good you obviously wouldn't pay as much. But, with a cheap place you don't have to leave that bug of a tip.
$2, but if you really like it maybe $5
If you like then hair cut 5 bucks, If you love it more
Speaking as a former waitress, I'd say always veer on the side of generosity (without going nuts)--an extra dollar isn't going to kill you, but it will probably really make that person's day, and they might really be depending on their tips to feed their kids that night. You just never know.
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